Scientists drill longest stretch of Earth’s mantle from underwater mountain near ‘Lost City’

Researchers drilled the deepest sample of rock from the Earth’s crust, penetrating 0.7 kilometers (1.2 kilometers) into the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the ocean floor extends.

In this area, which has many hydrothermal vents, interactions between sedimentary rocks and seawater create chemicals that are essential to life. Previous attempts to drill into sedimentary rocks brought up from the deep sea had only reached 659 feet (201 meters) – not deep enough to look for organisms such as bacteria that love heat that can stay away, said. Gordon Southamgeomicrobiologist at the University of Queensland in Australia and co-author of a new study that describes the original model.

#Scientists #drill #longest #stretch #Earths #mantle #underwater #mountain #Lost #City

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